Eurofold Touchline users are all pleased
April 2016
It has been a few years since this machine was first introduced and we are pleased to say the machine has been very well received.
The Multigraf Eurofold Touchline CF375 features a newly designed matrix creasing mechanism and can run continuously at a speed of 6000 A4 sheets per hour, regardless of the number of creases and folds being applied.
It is fitted with a top-sheet feeding mechanism for improved handling of heavier stocks and can take stocks of up to 400gsm with no loss of speed. Maximum sheet size is 375x650mm.
The CF375 is described as simple to use, as its control system automatically creates settings based on the sheet length and fold type details entered via a touchscreen panel. Up to 100 jobs can be stored. Other features include a dual-delivery mechanism: creased and folded sheets are delivered onto a belt, whereas sheets that are just creased go into a tray. Perforation is also an option.
"The service we receive from CJB has been top class, right from the first contact with yourself through the installation & training on Monday."